Hi there! My name is Renee and I’m the mama behind More for Motherhood.
I’m a thirty-something mama in the throes of the “survival years”. I married my college-best-friend, Matt, and we have been not-so-newlyweds for the past 12 years. We are followers of Jesus and co-laborers in life and in work as we lead a college ministry together in the heart of South Carolina.
Those babes in our arms are my seven year old, Aiden, five year old, Graham, three year old, Harper, and almost one-year-old, Wells. We feel so blessed to be their parents–blessed and tired, that is ;). You can read their birth stories here (Aiden’s), here (Graham’s), here (Harper’s) and here (Wells’).
I started More For Motherhood because while I know that the survival years of parenting can be exhausting, I want more for us as Mamas. I want our families, our faith and even each of us as women, to thrive in these early years of parenting. I want more joy, more peace, more purpose in the day in and day out of Christian motherhood. Maybe you can relate?
Here at More for Motherhood, I hope you’ll find resources + stories of Gospel parenting with a less-is-more attitude. Where Biblical wisdom is paired with tangible take-a-ways. Where gravity and levity go hand in hand because even the most serious of parents shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously all of the time. Know that each story, Scripture, recipe + mom-hack are offered with a heart to point our children (and even ourselves) to Jesus.
So grab that reheated coffee, Mama, and stay a while!
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Renee is a follower of Jesus, wife and mom to 4 little ones (ages 7 and under). She has been working in vocational ministry for the past 12 years in a full time and now part time capacity as a campus minister for college students. With over a decade of ministry experience and a Graduate certificate from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Renee loves to pair theological truths with practical takeaways for living out our faith in the day to day. Over the years, Renee has specialized in training small group leaders, Bible teaching at events & conferences, and writing about faith and motherhood. For speaking opportunities, writing ventures or other collaborations, drop her a line at hello@moreformotherhood.com.