To my boys on Mother’s Day

It is my fourth Mother’s Day as a mama and I wanted to write a little note to my boys.

Aiden—you made me a mama. Everything with you was a first. From the first bath, to your first laugh, from your first fever to the first time you threw up on me, all of them were not only your firsts, but mine as well. I am ever grateful to be the person you want to be held by, the person you want to hold your hands while you poo (yes this has happened and yes it was precious). We have inside jokes as a family now like Daniel Tigree, and “the bados and the dados.” You challenge my patience and I am being more sanctified because of you. I love seeing you grow and develop and become the boy that you are.

Graham—you may be my second son, but boy are you precious. Your constant kisses and silliness melt my heart daily. From finding patches of sunlight and meowing like a cat as you roll, to giggling wildly as you run from me while we play chase, I will never forget how sweet (and how stubborn!) you are. Your first year of life created in me new levels of perseverance that I didn’t know I had, and I believe that Jesus taught me much humility and dependence through the trial of trying to feed you. While it was extremely difficult, I wouldn’t trade you for anything. Thanks for loving me and helping me to be more like Christ.

Matt—when we got married we agreed on 4-6 kids. Then we came to our senses and lowered that number to 4. It’s wild that we’re over halfway there. Thanks for being my number 1 support in motherhood. You’ve been my doula, my lactation consultant, the one right by my side through every laugh and joy the boys bring and through every tear and heartache we endure. Thanks for praying always and loving me when I’m exhausted. Thanks for reminding me to put our marriage first because after all, we raise our boys to leave us. I am a different and better person because of you.

And to my Baby on the way–I don’t know you yet, but I already love you. I’m starting to feel you move regularly and it makes me smile knowing we’re that much closer to meeting you. Whether you join our McCrory Boy clan or make me a girl mama, you will fit right in with us. We are all eagerly awaiting this October (except for maybe Graham, he doesn’t get it yet, but one day he will!).

To the 4 of you, thank you. Becoming a mama has been the best and hardest thing of my entire life, and I am forever grateful.