Why We’re so Excited for the new January Activity Calendar

You know when the magic dust of Christmas begins to settle and the early months of the year just begin to feel long? Like how is it only January 2nd kind of long? Where it’s much too cold to go outside, but oh my goodness, what am I going to do with my little ones cooped up in the house all day?

Enter from stage left, the January Activity Calendar of your dreams. The one that says yes it might be cold outside and yes the month of January is too long, but mama, let’s make the most of the day with those little ones.

The calendar includes mostly indoor activities that are simple and fun, with a few crafts and baking ideas along the way. There’s an activity idea list with all the links that you’ll need, including a supply list. And, for those of you who want more than just week-day activities, an additional weekend activity list is included, too. Oh and did I mention weekly date night ideas for the month? I think this January is going to be a good one.

Sometimes when your mom-ing in the cold winter months (and honestly even when it’s not cold), it can feel like its just you, all alone with your littles. But when you download this calendar, you’re entering a community of mamas all fighting for more joy, more peace + more purpose in the month of January. Let’s encourage one another as we seek to have fun with our kids and love them well.

Throughout the month of January, I’ll post regular prompts about the calendar over on our instagram, so be sure to follow along for all of the wintry fun. Also, many of the linked activities are on this Pinterest board for More for Motherhood, so give it a follow for easy access and more ideas.

Ready to get your free January Activity Calendar? Just download below!

Alright, January, we’re ready for ya. 😉

January Activity Calendar

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1 thought on “Why We’re so Excited for the new January Activity Calendar”

  1. Pingback: The Winter (Indoor Snow) Craft Your Littles Will Love - More For Motherhood

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